Diversity and inclusion, art and observation.
As designers we study juxtapositions of art and intersections for making better observations about art through capturing the unique attention and expressions which can be observed at art gallery openings.
Art receptions are where I challenge myself to think more holistically and to challenge my definitions about what diversity and inclusion actually means.
The way we perceive art heavily has to do with the way that we perceive technology and vice versa. When our perception of technology is erroneous our perception of art is skewed. Art is constantly challenging the way we think about technology and technology regularly challenges the way that we make observations about art and challenges the way that we experience art.
One of the most well funded groups at Apple is the diversity and inclusion group. The funding for diversity and inclusion comes from the arts. Apple funds research at gallery openings where devices are used by a wide spectrum of personalities and perspectives in order to make more concrete observations about the way that technology is used to enhance our perception or experience of art.
The more diverse the perspective, the more inclusive the observation. The more thorough the shoot is the more challenged diversity and inclusion can be about finding that next Northstar.
This is the process for discovering new Northstars at Apple.
Northstars are typically discovered by pointing out one shot of technology use that captures the modern dilemma in its current context.